🌟 OPEN: Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th Jan 🌟 - 9.00am to 2.00pm - No Appointment Necessary 🌟 CLOSED MON 27th JAN


Diamond Valley Kennels Spoodles

The Spoodle is an adorable dog with long shaggy to wavy hair and large brown 'I want to be your friend forever' eyes. These furbabies make excellent family pets for those families that have an active outdoor lifestyle. They seem to adore the water so be prepared to have fun at the beach. The combination of the intelligence of the poodle crossed with the generally devoted nature of the cocker spaniel seems to make a great blend. 

Generally speaking, Spoodles coats being non shedding make this breed very popular for those searching for a dog that is hyper-allergenic. If this is an important requirement, it’s best to look for a fluffier, curlier coat.  Most of our Spoodle puppies have shaggy curly coats, but nothing is guaranteed, and we sometimes have puppies where their coats are a little straighter and therefore may slightly shed.  

Spoodles love their playtime, retrieving a ball, running in the surf or chasing the kids around in the yard, they have a lot of energy that is enjoyed by all.  

Their size varies depending on if they are a Toy Spoodles or Miniature Spoodle. We breed both and as a guide only the average sizes range from:Toy are 30-35cm/5-7 kgs or a Miniature 40-45cm/8-12kgs depending on the size of Mum and Dad. Like us humans, sizing isn't something that can be guaranteed but we try to anticipate the size that puppy will grow taking into account the weight and height of their parents but there can obviously be outside factors that will play a part in their overall size and development.  Colours range from Black, Chocolate (although rare), Apricot/Gold or Red all with or without white markings.